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In The Beginning
A series that takes you through an expository study of the foundational first chapters of the Bible. From creation to Abraham, understanding what happened in the beginning is crucial to understanding our need for redemption, what Jesus did and why He did it, what we are promised, and what He is restoring to us through the New Covenant. You can't understand where we are, or where we are going, until you understand where we've been, what happened, and how it all started.

The Fall
Cain and Able
The Corruption
The Flood
The Waters Recede
The Change
The Sons of Noah
Abraham Overview
Extended Study:
Walk It Out
A Day of Small Things
Abrahamic Covenant
The God Who Provides
Sodom and Gomorrah
The Root of the Problem
The Giants
A Great Deception
Thank you for checking out our Covenants Study series! Don't stop there! Be sure to go back to the HOWC-U page and go deeper into the word of God with an other Topical Teaching Series!
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